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Revolutionary War 

The Revolutionary War was when the original 13 Colonies broke away from their mother country Great Britain because of rising tensions. These tensions were started when Britain started to create higher taxes. One of the acts to raise taxes was the Townshend Acts of 1767 which raised the prices of tea, paint, glass, lead, and paper. These items were high in demand for the colonists at the time and the colonists were not happy that their mother country raised the price. Colonists started to retaliate and created the Sons of Liberty. These local men would take justice into their own hands. One of the many things they are famous for is tarring and feathering tax collectors. Parliament eventually repealed the tax on everything but tea. Tea was a favorite delicacy of the colonists. The Sons of Liberty, again, took this into their own hands and raided a tea ship from Britain and threw all of the tea over board. This is known as the Boston Tea Party. Colonial leaders came together to discuss their relationship with Great Britain. Some wanted war and some did not. They sent a declaration of rights to the king in Britain. When the king received their declaration he vetoed the bill. Colonial leaders told colonists to prepare for war with their mother country. The colonies split into two causing the Loyalists and Patriots. The Loyalists wanted to stay with Great Britain, however the Patriots were going to fight for their freedom against Great Britain. George Washington led an Army to their first battle of Lexington, with 70 soldiers that lasted only minutes. Then their next big battle at Concord, where Britain lit some buildings on fire and attacked using Guerrilla warfare. This was a new and better tactic than what was the traditional tactics by lining up and shooting. There was several more battles that ended with the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris was signed by Great Britian and the U.S and America was finally recognized as a country. 

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